Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church, Kutztown


Trinity Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, affirming and encouraging the full participation of the LGBTQIA+ community into our church family and ministries.

The members of Trinity Lutheran Church seek to welcome, affirm, and celebrate all people because we believe Scripture when it says that everyone is created in the image of God and is loved by God. Through this spirit of welcome and inclusion we expect to grow, change, and more fully become the body of Christ that God intends us to be.

Read our full welcome statement here…


Our Mission

…to equip God’s people to do God’s work
…to bring good news to hungry people


Trinity Worships

Worship and Music

Trinity Grows

Young Adult and College

Trinity Teaches

Youth and Family Ministries

Trinity Reaches Out

Service and Outreach


For visitors…

Please see the schedule of worship for upcoming services, which are available in-person and online via Zoom. Holy Communion is offered at every service.

Trinity Lutheran Church
357 West Main Street
Kutztown, PA 19530

phone: (610) 683-3450
email: office@trinitykutztown.com

Parking is behind the church on Saucony Alley. For directions via Google maps, click on the word “Directions” in the pane below.